Sunday, August 5, 2007

Charismata In The Tribulation?

Those who are "strict cessationists" have a difficult time with the coming of the "two witnesses" mentioned in Revelation chapter 11. It is very clear that these two men of God work miracles during the time of the Great Tribulation, possessing supernatural gifts of power over nature, and power with God in prayer, and this amidst abounding supernatural works done by leading wicked men.

The question that every "strict cessasionist" must ask is this: Are these two men exceptions in every way, at the time of their "prophesying"? There is no doubt that they are exceptional in their gifts and mission, but are they the only ones, among the latter day saints, who are thus empowered for witness in that evil day? I trow not.

I find it abundantly taught in scripture that God will again revive these gifts among the few, in the extreme latter days, "who have not defiled their garments," and who have remained true and faithful to the Lord amidst abounding corruption, on the right hand and on the left. No, all the supernatural powers will not be in the hands of the enemy, but also in the hands of the chosen ones.

On the times in which these two latter day prophets appear, Seiss writes some very good things that I wish to endorse and post here also. He says:

“The world is so full of malignant evil, that they cannot maintain a being in it without the power of miracle.”

This is very good commentary. The following is even better and a characteristic of the times of the Two Witnesses and of the Great Tribulation. He says further:

“They are also times of intense supernaturalism and miracle. All the ordinary laws of things are shaken and bent, like reeds in a swollen river; and extraordinary agencies and results put themselves forth from all sides. Saints from heaven and potencies from hell are upon the scene, as never was the case to the same extent or in the same manner

He says further:

“The worst impieties of all ages shall concentrate in one. All the power of hell itself shall come into play upon earth. Such times the world has not yet seen. Indeed, human philosophy has become so wise as to banish from the range of possibility even the smaller variations from the ordinary course of nature which stand recorded of the past. But all such wisdom is folly. There is nothing permanent in nature. It is not true that “all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.” Mighty changes and variations have occurred, and will yet occur. Natures’s laws are not God, and are ever subject to modifications both from heaven and from hell.

Satan could impoverish and sicken Job as Moses could afflict Pharoah. Nay, here it stands written, from the lips of Him who is the Alpha and Omega, that there SHALL COME TIMES WHEN SPIRITUAL POTENCIES, GOOD AND BAD, WILL SHOW THEIR ACTIVITY ON THE EARTH, AS IF NATURE HERSELF WERE ABOUT TO BE ENTIRELY SUPERSEDED.

Men are astounded, and hold back from believing when they read the doings of Abraham's God among the idols of Egypt, or in the camp of the pilgrim Hebrews. They hesitate, and talk of fiction, metaphor, superstition, orientalism, exaggeration, when the life and deeds of Jesus are the theme. But their doubts about the supernatural, and all their grave science on the subject, shall yet be utterly confounded. Here are times indicated, which shall bring men on earth face to face with living powers from heaven and hell in the gigantic struggle of their last conflict, and fill the world with wonders, of which those in Egypt were but the dim foreshadows; --times when that Devil, whose existence some count a mere myth, will put himself forth in things so marvellous that, if it were possible, the very elect would be deceived, whilst the deluded world fathers as one man to his worship as their God and Saviour. People may doubt, and shake their heads, and vaunt the sobrieties of their better philosophy; but such will be the times of these Two Witnesses." (Page 256, 57)

More to come, on this topic, the Lord willing.

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